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Some of my books

I write books for all ages, for young children to teenage and adults. I have also written a book on writing - Writing for Children - for both aspiring and newly published authors.

While I spend quite a lot of time visiting libraries, schools and festivals talking about my books and running creative writing workshops, I do manage to find time to write, too!

You can download the free story: Hamish McHaggis and the Aberlady Gala Mystery.

Latest News:

Weegie Wednesday

Last week I was invited back to speak at Weegie Wednesday   Glasgow’s monthly networking meetup  for people connected to books, publishing, bookselling — illustrators, comic book writers, drama, radio, TV, media and all related creative industries. It was a great crowd and very friendly!

I was mostly speaking about writing for Young Adults and although it was a short talk we got through quite a lot and there were some excellent questions.  

I finished by reading a very short taster from Dead Boy Talking.   A lovely evening all round, and I want to that the organisers for inviting me.